10000 ord kan inte beskriva hur underbar du är Miley Ray Cyrus!

Miley och en okänd kille (SE BILDER)!
På bilderna ser ni att Miley håller på med en okänd kille på inspelningen av filmen LOL!
Jag vet att Miley aldrig skulle vara otrogen mot Liam och bilderna bevisar inte att hon är det men man undrar ju vad hon håller på med?
"Family and friends are people that you always should have near you where ever you go"
Miley and Noah!
Så himmla söta <3
If you believe in yourself anything is possible!There are so many people that have come up to me during our shows and tell me: The hour that we are watching your show is the hour that my kids are happiest and are smiling, they are laughing, and that is what I love to do make people happy.
Top teen famous teenagers!
1. Taylor Lautner (Twilight)
2. MILEY CYRUS (Hannah Montana)
3. Jonas Brothers (Camp Rock)
4. Selena Gomez (Wizards Of Waverly Place)
5. Justin Bieber (Singer)
6. Demi Lovato (Camp Rock)
7. Dakota Fanning (The Runaways)
8. David Archuleta (Singer)
9. Emma Watson (Harry Potter)
10. Taylor Momsen (Gossip Girl)
Och som ni ser ligger Miley på andra plats :)
Miley Cyrus and Max Azria summer clothing line!
Här är bilder på några nya kläder/skor som Miley Cyrus och Max Azria hade designad för Sommaren 2010!
Snygga va?
Mest populära personen på internet NÅGONSIN!
Miley Cyrus är den #8 Mest populära personen på internet någonsin :D
"The only people that you really have, that I learned, are your family, because they love you no matter what. "
- Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus is working on Who Owns My Heart musicvideo!
Miley Cyrus is releasing the music video for her song Who Owns My Heart soon. She was recently filming the music video in Detroit (Michigan) The same place she is working on filming her upcoming movie LOL: Laughing Out Loud!
Miley Cyrus kommer snart släppa musikvideon till hennes låt Who Owns My Heart. Hon spelade in musikvideon nyligen i Detroit (Michigan) Samma plats som hon spelar in hennes nya film LOL: Laughing Out Loud!
"Starting in August, you can bid on clothing and accessories straight from the closet of Miley cyrus, it was announced. "New auction will be added each week with all proceeds going to Get Ur Good On, a social network that brings together children and youth to support each other in the mission to do 'good' in their communities."
Kolla in Ebay.com/Miley för mer info om detta :D
Miley vann 3 priser igår på TCA!
Miley Cyrus vann 3 priser igår på TCA 2010!
Dom här vann hon:
Choice Movie: Hissy Fit
Miley Cyrus, “The Last Song”
Choice Music: Love Song
“When I Look At You,” Miley Cyrus
Choice: Celebrity Fashion Line
“Miley and Max,” Miley Cyrus and Max Azria
Miley & Gwen has the same shirts!
Miley Cyrus talks about the role model debate!
Yes i want to be a rolemodel and have people look up to me but this also dosent mean that I am not going live the way that i want to live beacuse of my fans. I love my life and im enjoying every minute of it and Its sad that people dont get that!