liam om miley:
“We get along great, she’s a great girl. We work great together."
miley bloggar!

"im not a misstake, im not a fake its set in my dna"
Åhh vilken underbar låttext Miley har fixat till denna låt <3
checka in mileys klädlinje!
Sugen på hur utbudet av Mileys klädlinje ser ut?
Klicka då på länken här nedan:
Miley Bloggar! - "i will miss hannah montana so much :("
The producers, writers, cast, and crew have been my rock for the last 5 years. Knowing I won’t see them everyday is really hard wrap my head around. I’ve had the same routine since 7th grade and I will be graduating at the end of this year.
Every day I have school with Emily, lunch with Jason, Moises and I play with the dogs, and I get to work with all of these people that I love so much. Wow. Wow. Wow. All of this is just beginning to sink in. I will miss Hannah Montana so much. :(
X M.
Miley bloggar....
Xo X M

Ladies and gentlemen....
Miley quote

Tillängnat till dig världens bästa lady gaga <3
Hon var så gullig och tackade oss fans hela tiden och pratade om att ingen gillade henne när hon var mindre hon sa också: "ändra aldrig på er och var nöjda med er själva" <3
Jag älskar dig Lady G <3

Bästa Lady Gaga I LOVE YOU! <3
uppdaterar imorgon fredag!
Kram <3
Min mp3:
stor uppdatering på lördag!
Ni kommer få ett stort inlägg då med en massa godsaker Mileys nya låt ju som finns ut nu! Lyssnat på den? Det hoppas jag ni gjort ;)
Kramar och ses snart <3

bottom of the ocean
You don't have to love me
For me to, baby, ever understand
Just know I love the time that we both had
And I don't ever want to see you sad, be happy
Cause I don't want to hold you
If you don't want to tell me you love me babe
Just know I'm gonna have to walk away
I'll be big enough for both of us to say, be happy
miley cyrus om stöd från fansen
“I think it’s sweet that they’re always supportive of the show, but my wish is they’ll support me whatever I do, and that’s what a true fan is,” said Cyrus, whose popular Disney show, Hannah Montana, comes to an end later this year.
These four walls again
It must have been something that send me out of my head
With the words so radical
And not what I meant
Now I wait for a break in the silence 'cause it's all that you left
Just me and these four walls again
Skitfin låt jag älskar den! <3
min stilförebild!

Skulle vilja äga hennes garderob ;(
miley cyrus citat
"Pink isn’t just a colour, it’s an attitude!"
Miley cyrus favoriter :D
Visste ni att Miley Cyrus gick på Hannah Montana audition för att spela rollen som Lilly? Eller att hon älskar cheerleding? Här kommer en lista på Miley Cyrus favoriter och saker ni kanske inte visste om henne! :)
Her favorite sport is cheerleading.
Her favorite book is, “Don’t Die, My Love.”
Her favorite song by her Dad is “Achy Breaky Heart.”
Has written over a hundred songs and some of them have been used on her show, “Hannah Montana” (2006).
Her favorite album is Kelly Clarkson’s “Breakaway”.
Likes to eat Chinese food.
Favourite hobby is going shopping.
Started auditioning for “Hannah Montana” (2006) when she was 11 years old. She originally tried out for the part of “Lilly Truscott”.
In January 2008, she legally changed her name from Destiny Hope Cyrus to Miley Ray Cyrus. Ray is for her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Miley was her nickname, given because as a baby, she always smiled. Smiley evolved into Miley in baby slang.
Released a 3D concert movie of her Best of Both Worlds Tour on February 1st, 2008. It became the highest grossing Super Bowl weekend release ever.
Miley’s half-brother (Trace Cyrus) and her “Hannah Montana” (2006) co-star Mitchel Musso’s brother (Mason) are in the band “Metro Station”.
Godmother is Dolly Parton.
Likes rock music such as The Killers and Coldplay.
Is close friends with Brenda Song and Ashley Tisdale.
Broke up with boyfriend of a year-and-a-half, Nick Jonas [Late 2007].
Best friends with Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato .
Is a fan of Angelina Jolieand Jennifer Aniston.
Dyed her hair black after her break-up with long-time boyfriend, Nick Jonas, as a sign of mourning.
Is best friends with her “Hannah Montana” (2006) co-star Emily Osment, who also plays her on-screen best friend.
Her favorite songs (of her own) to perform are The Climb, Fly on the Wall, and See You Again.
Loves to ride horses.
Likes to watch the TV show “Sex and the City” (1998).
Admirer of Meryl Streep.
Her musical influences include John Mayer, Elvis Presley, Rob Thomas, and. John Lennon.
Kan ärligt säga att mycket av det som står på listan är ganska nytt för mig men jag kände igen väldigt mycket också! :)
Minns ni?

Underbar film! <3 Måste se den igen... Sist jag såg den var på premiären. Ja ni läste rätt. På premiären. Så jag har inte sett den 10000000000000000 gånger tyvärr... Men så fort stressen i mitt liv försvunnit så ska jag fira det med just denna feel good film <3
miley cyrus vovve
Aww hur söt är inte hennes hund? (;
Det här är verkligen min typ av hund! Ser så mysig ut :D